July 10, 2009


When I read the paper a few days back, I was frustrated that PPSMI was going to be taken off the shelves and will be put in the rubbish cans...

PPSMI - english in science & math


Its not a bad thing...It will make them understand better

The good...
  1. It will make science and math easier to understand - there are all kind of formulas that uses the english language, for example M=mass, h=height and many more...it makes it more easier to remember
  2. Some science and math jargon's that gets translated to bm is just weird - we should familiarize ourselves with the jargon to better compete with the outer world
  3. There are a lot more sources in english, so students will need a better understanding of these subjects in english
  4. The kids are still fresh, so they can still absorb better...Its better to teach them when they're young then when they are too old to learn...the younger the better...
The so called bad...
  1. Teachers don't have a good basis of the english language, thus causing more problems in classes - this shouldn't be a problem...your teachers for god's sake, you should do more better...this problem would not happen if these teachers were taught in english when they were students, right?
  2. Kids from kampungs gain disadvantage from PPSMI - WTF!- to me, they're gaining a whole lot more advantages...PPSMI actually forces them to learn english, isn't that better then them not learning at all? I know for a fact that some places has anti-english individuals...and these individuals are feeding people that they should not learn english because we are on malay land...This is not good...Kids should learn as much as possible...aren't adults responsible for the youth's education?...if you can't understand, then a bring along a dictionary la...
  3. Some people say that we are forgeting more and more of our own mothertongue - WTH! - correct me if I'm wrong here, are we not teaching the other subjects in Malay (like kemahiran hidup, sejarah, geografi and so on)...Is that no enough for you...It's school people!...you need to learn...of course I have come across some malaysian kids that can't speak malay becoz the environment in which they're parents only speak in English to them...its sad, we should do something about those kind of parents...This isn't about the Malaysian identity, its about education
But,everyones got there own opinion...and please don't compare ourselves with countries like Japan - they are able to use nihong go (japanese language) and still be among the frontrunners in technology - that is maily because they themselves make the technology (not by copying other countrie's technology) and they have a full arsenal of already translated books - we are just not there yet...we still depends on others

but thats only my two cents....

1 comment:

  1. you have valid points there. I do agree with you, although PPSMI forces the kampung kids to learn english even seriously, some of them just can't cope. Some of them can't even afford to buy english newspaper on daily basis. then again, there's always school library. but sometimes they don't have the time to study extra hard because they have to help out their parents after school.

    About the teachers, well, I learned maths n science in english back in school and it is kinda annoying when the teachers keep teaching in bad grammar. though we do make fun of them, but we actually forgive them because it takes time to master English, especially when you don't speak much of it.

    perhaps, it's taking too long that MOE is goin to ditch PPSMI.

    I feel sorry for the kids who'd prefer english.

